The sports committee is constituted to promote sports activities among students and the faculty encouraging team spirit by conducting healthy competitions. It arranges for better coaching facilities, organizes regular sports events in order to train students for states and national level competitions.Functions
1. Prepare sports calendar and an action plan for the year.
2. Advise the management to develop necessary infrastructure for sports and games and take up the responsibility of preparing the budget estimate, requirement of infrastructure equipment, maintaining the equipment and play fields.
3. Procure the requirement of sports items for the year and maintaining all sporting goods inventory.
4. Organize intra college competitions at the college level.
5. Selection of teams to represent the college in inter-collegiate tournaments and also the intramural tournaments.
6. Assist, motivate and encourage the students to conduct, participate actively in various sports and games activities, both indoor and outdoor in the college.
7. Developing sports logo, manuals, brochures etc
8. Maintain records of sports and games events within the college, university/ and outside at the region/state/national level and their achievements /awards etc.
9. Submit annual reports on the sports and games events/budget allocations, expenditures during the year.
10. Invite the Chief Guest and other dignitaries.
11. Arrange mementos for guests and gifts/certificates for the participants.
12. Publish the events and festivals in the Notice Board/Website/ Alumni site/press etc and its proper documentation.
13. Prepare the details of attendance exemption to be given to the students representing college in various sports and games.
- Chairman: Prof. M Abdul Azeez (Principal)
- Convenor: Samsheer (HOD, Physical Education)
- Suhail KP (CCEO, NSS)
- Mohammed Musthafa (Asst.Professor, Economics)
- Rahmath mol Kadambott (Asst.Professor, Economics)
- Nimisha N (Asst.Professor, Commerce)
- Mohamed Haneefa KT (Office Superintendent)
- Mohammed Haneefa NK (Steward)