Our college is fully equipped with round the clock internet facility with a speed of 75 Mbps, in collaboration with BSNL networks, Rail Net And Reliance communications. Internet Connectivity is available to every department from Campus Networking Centre. All the Computer Laboratories and Digital Library are connected to the internet through Manageable Switches. Cisco Networks and IPfire and Pf Sense Firewalls Provides the network availability and security. The high end networking devices provides simultaneous access of the servers to many users in additions to other users from their department through campus network. About 1000 users can simultaneously access the facilities of college networks from their departments. one can access any resource from any node in the campus. A variety of Software’s ,ERP and Dspace online Repository is also made and available to the students and the users.

Anas c
- Diploma Computer Engineering
- +91 8891280060
- System Administrator
- admin@kottakkalfarookcollege.edu.in
Services provided by Campus Networking Center (CNC)
Internet service distribution (Wired or Wireless connectivity )
Maintenance of campus wide security surveillance system.
Maintain the structured cabling of campus wide computer network .
Development and maintenance of college website and web portal.
Proper coordination of Total Campus Solution (OnlineTCS).
Configuration and maintenance of SMS service.
Proper Recording UPS systems, Servers, Network devices and Computers Peripherals
Technical support, assistance and guidance for purchase of IT Products.
Study and propose new technological implementation plan for the campus.
Installing and configuring Client O.S like windows Xp /7/8/10.
Troubleshooting various client O.S issues.
Configuring various local security group policies in client O.S
Installing supporting software as per needs and providing assistance to the end users.
Troubleshooting various network issue .
Troubleshooting various Hardware issue .