a. The attendance policy is reviewed and discussed at the beginning of each year.
b. Except when ill or excused, all students are required to attend their scheduled classes and other required activities throughout the day.
c. Attendance is taken in each hour.
d. All absences are considered unexcused until a student presents a leave note, signed by his or her parent, to the class advisor/course teacher.
e. The student is responsible for carrying out this procedure. Whenever possible, use a handwritten leave note citing Student’s full name, number, class, Dates and reason for absence, Parent’s signature and phone number.
f. Full-Day Absences: Leave notes must be presented to the class advisor within one day of return from an absence to be recorded as excused. All notes received more than three days after the student’s return will result in the days missed and will be considered unexcused for attendance purposes.
g. Unexcused absences include family trips, missing the bus, car/auto trouble, uncertified illness, truancy, illegal employment, or indifference.
h. Early Departure (including doctor appointments): Students with early dismissal notes from parents must present them for verification to the class advisor before first period and will be issued an early dismissal pass. The early dismissal should be entered into the ledger kept in the office. A student who has an early dismissal must sign out in the ledger kept in the office and then must sign back in if she returns during the same day. Students who leave without permission and without signing out will be marked as unexcused for classes missed.
i. Bring a written request from your parents giving the reason, time to leave, and parents escort to accompany the student’ and cell phone numbers to contact to the class advisor. It is best to have your early dismissal occur during class change. Avoid an early dismissal during the last hour.
j. If you do not bring a note, a parent must come to the front office and personally sign you out. For the protection of students, no telephone, fax, or email requests for early dismissal can be honoured. Again, all early dismissals must be requested in advance in writing or by a parent’s visit to the office.
k. No parent walk-in pickups for early dismissals will be issued after 3:00.PM.
l. Early Departure Because of Illness: If a student becomes ill and needs to go home, he or she should report to the class advisor, who will contact the parent for transportation arrangements and will notify the matter in the sign out/check out register kept in the office. These students and their parent escorts must sign in/out at the Office and fill in all appropriate release columns in the ledger. Students who leave because of illness without reporting to the class advisor will be considered unexcused.
m. Late Arrival: Students who arrive after 10:15 a.m. are to report to the principal to sign in and receive an admit slip.
n. Tardiness is defined as not being in the classroom when the bell rings. Students will have six minutes between classes to help them manage the hallways, visit restrooms and move from one end of campus to the other. Students coming into class late disrupt that process. We expect students to be in class on time.
o. If a student arrives after 10:15 a.m., these steps must be followed:
Report to the principal to get a late permit. This step is vital to ensure that you will be counted present for the remainder of the day. When a student does not have such a note, his/her tardy is unexcused. If the principal determines that your tardy is excused (doctor’s note, serious personal and/or family illness, or other such emergencies documented by parent/ guardian notes, he will mark your late permit excused and send you to class.
p. Students more than fifteen minutes late are regarded as absent. After one tardy, and for each one following, teachers can assign detention.
q. Students abstaining themselves without leave for more than 10 working days will have their names removed from the rolls. They may be readmitted at the discretion of the Principal in which case they will have to pay the readmission fee and fee due before they are readmitted.
r. Application for leave should be submitted in the prescribed form to the Principal through the class Advisor, counter signed by the Head of the Dept.
s. Application to condone the shortage of attendance should be accompanied by an explanatory statement for each day of absence. Participants in sports, arts and other extracurricular activities should get their activity record signed from the concerned authorities immediately after the completion of the event. In no case late submission of activity record will be entertained. If absence on account of ill health exceeds 5 working days at a time, leave application signed by the parent along with a medical certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner should be furnished immediately on attending regular classes. The student should also state against each period of absence whether timely application for leave was made and leave granted at the time.
t. All attendance rules given by the university in the CBCSS regulations should be strictly followed.
u. No application for exemption will be recommended by the principal unless he is satisfied that the shortage of attendance was due to causes beyond the control of the students.