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Hon’ble Supreme Court of India had taken serious note of ragging in Campuses and in its Judgment had directed that the recommendations of the Raghavan Committee appointed by the Court shall be implemented and compliance reported. Hon’ble High Court of Kerala in OP No. 31139/99 had also directed certain steps to be taken by the Police Department. In response to the guidelines given by the court and the DGP an Anti-Ragging Committee & Anti-Ragging Squad at the level of college consisting representatives of the faculty members, representatives of parents, representatives of students belonging to fresher category as well as non-teaching staff is formed in the college. This committee is headed by the head of the institution. It shall consider the recommendation of the anti-ragging Squad and take appropriate decisions, including imposition of suitable punishments to those found guilty. The chairman, convenors and members of these committees are given below.


  1. Prevention: To prevent ragging in any form through awareness and proactive measures.
  2. Support: To provide support and assistance to victims of ragging.
  3. Enforcement: To ensure strict compliance with anti-ragging laws and take appropriate actions against perpetrators.
  4. Awareness: To educate students about the negative impact of ragging and promote a ragging-free campus culture.


Chairman: Prof. M Abdul Azeez (Principal)
Convenor: Mohamed Labeeb (Vice-principal)
1. Sreenath M (HOD, Dept.of English)
2. Dr.PM Habeeb Rahman (HOD.Dept.of Commerce)
3. Mujeeb TP (HOD,Dept.of Management Studies)
4. Dr. Chithra (HOD, Dept. of Botany)
5. Sampreeth TM (HOD, Dept. of Political Science)
6. Aswathi KT (HOD, Dept of Economics)
7. Samsheer K (Dept. Physical Education)

Convenor : Sreenija (Dept. of Commerce)
1. Safoora (Dept. of Commerce)
1. Naufal VK (Dept. of English)
2. Rahmath mol Kadambott(Dept. of Economics)
3. Raihanath Kakkottil(Dept.of Commerce)
4. Neethu(Dept.of Management Studies)
5. Salu (Dept. of Physics)
6. Illyas M(Dept.of Language)
7. Beena Mol (Mathematics0