a. Deposit your bags in the bag deposit area in the respective venue of examination. Do not keep valuable things in the bag.
b. Identify the correct hall number from the display board before going to the examination hall. if your number is not displayed, contact the chief superintendent immediately.
c. If you have not brought the hall ticket and id, you can approach the chief superintendent for getting the duplicate hall ticket after the payment of prescribed fees
d. If the hall ticket is lost, students shall approach the office of the controller of examinations immediately, for obtaining duplicate hall ticket
e. Identify the seat number from the seating arrangement notice displayed outside the examination hall
f. Do not come late for the examination. You are expected to be available in the examination hall at least half an hour before the commencement of examination. In rare situations, you will be permitted to enter into the examination hall after half an hour from the commencement of the examination. Students who are late to an examination do not get extra time.
g. Before entering into the hall, check yourself to ensure you do not possess mobile phones, programmable calculators, electronic gadgets, any material notes pertaining to the examination etc.
h. Show your hall ticket and identity card to the hall invigilator before entering into the hall
i. Do not talk / gesture inside the examination hall
j. Collect your answer booklet and write the registration number, subject code, subject title and date of the examination along with session in the bar coding sheet attached in the answer booklet properly. Shade the appropriate boxes / circles by using ball point pen. Improper shading will lead to rejection of your answer script.
k. Do not write your register number or name inside the answer book / additional book / drawing sheet/ graph sheet
l. Mobile phones / programmable calculators or any other electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited inside the examination hall
m. Check whether you have collected the correct question paper, also see that all pages are printed or not. if not, intimate to the hall invigilator immediately
n. Read the special instructions given in the question paper and follow the same.
o. If the question paper contains more than one section, write the answers in the separate answer books
p. Do not commence reading or writing until instructed by an alarm/ bell to do so. Write clearly; illegible answers will not be awarded marks
q. Do not write anything on the question paper other than your register number. writing any hint or note in the question paper is also a kind of malpractice
r. Put your signature against your exam register number in the attendance sheet and ensure that you have received the correct answer booklet as specified in it.
s. If you are in the need of any data book, ask for the same to the invigilator at the commencement of the examination. Do not write anything in the special materials issued. Data books/tables brought by the students should not contain any written material or additional sheets in them.
t. Do not tear any pages out of the answer book. Rough working may be done in the last page of the answer book. Clearly cross out rough working before handing over your answer book.
u. Bring pen, pencil, scale, calculator, eraser etc that are required for the examination. Do not borrow any articles inside the examination hall
v. Normally students will not be permitted to go outside the examination hall before handing over answer booklet. In rare situations, students will be permitted to go outside the examination hall for toilets, accompanied by a teacher / attendant.
w. If you require any assistance, please raise your hand.
x. Stop writing when you are instructed to do so at the end of the examination and remain seated until all papers have been collected and you are told that you may leave the hall
y. Severe penalties apply for misconduct, cheating, possession of unauthorized materials, improper use of materials, and unauthorised removal of materials from examination rooms or ignoring the instructions given by supervisors. Students are reminded that cheating is regarded as an act of grave misconduct for which there are heavy penalties applied, including a fail in the subject/ cancellation of all subjects written in the semester / debarring from the examination and possible expulsion from the university.