Department of Commerce & Management
The Department envision to combine commerce and management aspects to prepare and train proficient and skilled human resource fit for industry, business and service sector and also to mould them to start their own setups.
Empowering students with all the knowledge and guidance that they need to become worthy management professionals.
Delivering a holistic and value-based nurturing of students to enhance their employability.
Helping the national goal of building a globally competitive workforce.
Grooming youth to become a truly global personality well equipped to deal with the modern world and its challenges.
1. To engross the status of education on the minds of youth to face the challenges of modern world.
2. To develop a learner-centric teaching-learning method amicable to the students.
3. To cultivate post-graduation and research studies culture among students.
4. To create dynamic business leadership with a professional approach useful for nation building.
5. To provide career-oriented education to the students to avail better job opportunities