- 1. Application for any certificates should be made at least two days in advance.
- 2. Course and conduct certificate will ordinarily be issued only with TC when the student leaves the college after the completion of the course.
- 3. A late fee will be collected from those who apply for TC after one year of his/her leaving the college.
- 4. No certificate will be issued from the college unless the principal is satisfied with the reasons stated by the applicant for such certificates.
- 5. A student applying for his/her qualifying certificates kept in the office or any other certificates from the college, must have cleared all his/her dues to the college.
- 6. The qualifying certificate submitted by the student will be returned along with their TC and conduct certificate after the completion of their course.
- 7. Qualifying certificates, CSS diary and other testimonials have to be claimed at least within six months after leaving the college. The college will not be responsible for any damage or loss of certificates left unclaimed by student indefinitely