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A scholarship committee is appointed to evaluate the scholastic potential and other criteria of all applicants. The number of scholarships, the amount to be paid to each scholarship recipient, and the frequency of the award etc. is recommended by the scholarship committee.  Criteria, procedures, and funding of new scholarships should be reviewed and approved by the scholarship committee. The scholarship committee should periodically review all scholarships awarded in accordance with the supervisory procedures outlined and published yearly. The scholarship committee should establish appropriate procedures to keep and maintain adequate records and case histories for each scholarship recipient including, but not limited to the following: The scholarship committee should have responsibility for ongoing contribution solicitation programs. Scholarship committee looks into Scholarship Support & Retention Programme

  • Chairman:  Prof. M Abdul Azeez (Principal)
  • Scholarship Support Advisor: Mohammed Faris. T (Sr. Assistant)


    • T Moideenkutty (Secretary, Farook Educational Society)
    • Jayadevan (PTA Representative)
    • Mujeeb T P (Staff Secretary)
    • Adhil K (Secretary, Alumni Association)
    • Suhail K P (NSS Programme Officer)
    • Sameera (Clerk)
    • Febina (Clerk)


Scholarship Support & Retention Programme

KFASC provides scholarships to selected deserving students, instituted by the management of the college, PTA, staff organisation, alumni association and other endowment, scholarships. The college also extend scholarship support services which may connect students to scholarship sources and help in assisting the students to apply national, state, organisation scholarships and funding and its yearly renewal and retention. Students who receive one of the scholarships listed below are assigned a scholarship support advisor who supports them in fulfilling new application and renewals.