Sl No: Programme Tuition Fee Per Sem (6 Semesters)
1 BA English Language & Literature 10080
2 BSc Mathematics 12600
3 BSc Physics 12600
4 BSc Botany 12600
5 BCom Finance 10080
6 BCom Computer Application 12600
7 BCom Travel & Tourism 10080
8 BBA 10080
9 BA Economics 10080
10 BA Political Science 10080
11 MSc Physics 25200
12 MCom Finance
13 MA Political Science 21000
  • Examination fee, Sports affiliation fee, College Union & University Union fee, women's empowerment fee and other fee due to the university should be remitted at the time of admission to the University.
  • Students can now remit their fees online as per the directions given.