a. All the members of the staff and students of the college are eligible to be members of the library. Books and other library materials are open for use and subscription only to the members of the library.
b. They are entitled to borrow books from the library by submitting the identity card.
c. Terms regarding the issue and return of the books will be notified in the library from time to time.
d. The maximum number of books issued to a P.G student and a Degree student at a time will be notified in the library.
e. No number shall keep a book for more than a fortnight. Members can renew the due date of a book borrowed from the library for a further period of 14 days. The due date of the book will be extended to the same member if there are no other applicants for it. A book may be reissued to the same member if there are no other applicants for it.
f. Absence from the college will not be admitted as an excuse for delay in returning the books.
g. The librarian may recall a book at any time even when the normal period is not over.
h. When a member receives a book from the library he/she satisfy himself/herself that the book is in sound condition. If it is not, the matter shall at once be brought to the notice of the librarian, failing which the member shall be liable to replace the book with a new copy.
i. Members shall not sub-lend the library books.
j. Marking, underlining, writing, tampering and tearing away the pages of books are punishable with fine or replacement of the book or both.
k. A fine of Rs. 2.00 per day will be levied if a book is kept beyond a fortnight.
l. Members should replace the books lost from them or should compensate for the loss by paying an amount fixed by the librarian along with the existing fine fixed for it.
m. Strict silence must be observed in the library and reading room.
n. No books or periodicals from outside will be allowed inside the library or reading room.
o. The membership of those who tear away pages or steal books or misbehave to the staff will be suspended and further disciplinary actions will be taken against them by the Principal.
p. All Staff members of the college are members of the library. A member of the teaching staff may borrow up to five books at a time. A member of the non-teaching staff may borrow two books at a time. All other library rules are applicable to the teaching and non-teaching staff also.